I made this cowl in only a couple of hours.

Ravelry project page
The pattern is free and very simple. I did have to extend my initial chain though so it would go around my neck twice. I'm not completely happy with the colour of the wool - in the ball it looked much bluer - but it makes for a very cosy cowl! We'll be very closely acquainted by the time spring rolls around!
These gloves took a little longer but I finished them in the space of an afternoon.

Ravelry project page
I made these mainly because my house is FREEZING at the minute and my dad refuses to turn the heating on until at least the middle of October. I needed something to keep my hands warm while I crocheted and these were perfect as they leave my fingers free. Again, this pattern was free and very simple. This isn't a colour combination I'd usually go for but I wanted to use up some wool in my stash that I'm unlikely to use for much else.
Do you have any favourite homemade knitwear or scarf/hat/glove projects that you're working on in preparation for this winter?
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